NOTE:The Montgomery County ARC is an open-admission companion animal shelter. As part of the services, this agency takes in thousands of dogs each year. In addition to direct adoptions, the ARC – part of the Dayton Alliance for Companion Animals – works with the Humane Society of Greater Dayton and SICSA (Society for the Improvement of Conditions for Stray Animals), along with many placement partners, to find homes for as many animals as possible.
The presentation will focus on the positive future within the animal welfare industry and how Montgomery County plans to lead the way toward those efforts.
Chairperson for the Day: Sue White
Outreach for May:
The May program will be presented by Bob Gruhl, Montgomery County Animal Resource Center Director. Donations to the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center keep the center running smoothly and all their furry friends safe and happy. If you wish to make a monetary donation to the Center, please write your check to "College Women's Club (CWC)" and bring it to the May meeting. Our treasurer will compile all the checks and/or cash donations and the check will be made payable to the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center to help keep the Center running. The Center takes in thousands of animals each year. Please find room in your heart for our furry friends who give so much love and joy!
NOTE: If you are not able to get your check to the May meeting, then please consider addressing a check and mailing it straight to the center:
Montgomery County Animal Resource Center
6790 Webster St.
Dayton, Oh 45414