NOTE: Since May 2018, NEWS UPDATES has abbreviated notes from the newsletters.
Please check the full newsletters for more detailed information!
Do you have a question about newsletters?
Please contact Teri Wilson, Newsletter Editor.
2022 |
The June newsletter featured the June Luncheon / Annual Meeting and the speaker Leslie Arendt who presented, "Fashions of the Ohio Frontier" Also included were the following:
2022 |
The May 2022 Newsletter included May Luncheon information, including the Outreach activity.
2022 |
The April 2022 Newsletter contained information about April and the rest of the year.
2022 |
The March 2022 Newsletter provided information for the March 7 luncheon, including the menu and the reservation form. Diane Welborn will speak on "How the Ombudsman Advocates for You!"
2022 |
The February 2022 Newsletter provided information for the February 7 luncheon, including the menu and the reservation form. Casey Goldman from Dayton Art Institute will be the speaker.
2021 |
The December 2021 Newsletter provided information for the December luncheon, including the menu and the reservation form.
2021 |
The November 2021 Newsletter provided information for the November luncheon, including the reservation form.
2021 |
The June 2021 Newsletter provided information for the June luncheon, including the reservation form.
2021 |
The May 2021 Newsletter provided valuable information, including the reservation form.
2021 |
The April 2021 Newsletter provided valuable information, including the reservation form.
2021 |
The March 2021 Newsletter included these items:
2021 |
The February 2021 Newsletter included these items:
2020 |
The December 2020 Newsletter included these items:
2020 |
The November 2020 Newsletter included these items:
2020 |
The September / October 2020 Newsletter provided valuable information.
2020 |
The July 2020 Summer Update mentioned changes that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2020 |
NOTE that due to the Corona virus Pandemic, the May 2020 Luncheon and the June 2020 Luncheon have both been CANCELED!
2020 |
NOTE: The APRIL 2020 meeting has been CANCELED!
Please click HERE to read the letter from President Sue White! |
2020 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
Please watch your email / mailbox for the September newsletter which should be mailed in August! It will have your dues statement, information-release form, and a one-page special Sept. newsletter edition. (Yearbooks will be available at the October luncheon.)
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2018 |
The December Newsletter described our December program -- the Rhythm Ramblers, and the President's Message. There was a book review by Malou Hurst on local writer Joanne Huist Smith's book, "The 13th Gift - The True Story of a Christmas Miracle."
Updates on the Study Groups: Please refer to your Yearbook for date, time and place, and additional information about each study group. If you would like to attend as a guest or join the group, please call the leader. There is no December meeting for Book Group or CWIC. Arts and Crafts Group ~ Dec. 4 ~ 10:00; program on blankets at The Dayton Woman's Club. Interior Design Group meets Dec. 11 at 11:00 a.m. at El Meson Restaurant. Gourmet Group North meets Dec. 13 at 12:15 pm at Sue Buckles' home. Gourmet Group South meets December 1 at 12:30 pm at The Golden Lamb - Christmas Get Together, 27 S. Broadway, Lebanon. Thinking of You and Sympathy cards were mailed out. November luncheon guests were listed. The December Outreach Activity features the YWCA Dayton Domestic Violence Shelter; please bring hand lotion, body wash, shampoo, perfumes/colognes, and other person care products to the December meeting. Unused regifted items are acceptable. The weather policy was restated. the December Luncheon reservation form was included. |
2018 |
The November Newsletter told of the Honor flight Network as the topic for the November luncheon. President Terrie Koss has a Thanksgiving message for us. Scholarship Committee announced the awarding of two recipients. First Vice-President reminded us of housekeeping items, such as arrival time of 11:00, lunch, and then program at 12:30, with business meeting and tea following. Courtesy of quiet is appreciated when someone is speaking so that all can hear. A Book review of "The English Wife" by Lauren Willig was included, thanks to Malou Hurst. Study Groups listed their upcoming events: Book Group (Oct. 22 at 1 and NO meeting i n Nov.); Arts and Crafts (Oct. 23 at 10); Interior Design (Nov. 13 at 11 at WHIO and Jimmie's Ladder); Gourmet Group North (Nov. 15 at 12:15); Gourmet Group South (Nov. 1 at 12;30); CWIC (Nov. 16 at 10). November Outreach is about giving thanks to veterans; please bring in signed greeting cards of thankfulness which will be taken to the Dayton VA Center. New member (June), Kathy Hodges, was welcomed. We were reminded to VOTE on November 6.
2018 |
The October newsletter had information on the October luncheon, along with a reminder to pick up the yearbook at the luncheon. President Terrie Koss posted a Fall poem. The Outreach for October is a request for children's books for the Mont. Co. Children's Advocacy Center. Reminders with detail for the Study Groups included the Book Club (Oct. 22 at 1 pm at Shroyer Baptist Church), the Arts and Crafts Group (Oct. 23 at 10 am at Dayton Woman's Club); Interior Design (Oct. 9 at 11:30 am at Boston Stoker/Vandalia); Gourmet North (Oct. 11 at 12:15); Gourmet South (Oct. 4 at 12:30); CWIC (Oct. 26 at 10 at Dayton Woman's Club). Reminders to pay dues and fill out the waiver form were included, as well as the newsletter deadline of October 2.
2018 |
A special September newsletter had these items: Dues form for 2018 - 2019; please pay $40 dues (and optional Scholarship donation) by September 15; mail it to Martha Bell. (If you cannot print out the form, then just mail in the check and you may fill out the form at the October luncheon.) Click HERE for the fillable membership dues form.
October Newsletter will arrive about September 16. Information Release forms will be available at the sign-in desk for those who have not yet signed one. Yearbooks will be distributed at the October Luncheon. Yearbooks will be mailed to those not in attendance at that meeting. September Study Groups:
2018 |
Please be sure to make your reservation for the JUNE LUNCHEON - on TIME.
2018 |
2018 |
NOTE: Reservations for the April 10 Interior Design Meeting at the Dayton Library: Call Sandy Mefford prior to Sunday evening (April 8) to select your lunch items! Bring your own drink. Parking in the underground library garage is free; enter from St. Clair Street.
2018: |
2018: |
December 2017:
November 2017:
October 2017:
First CWC Luncheon of the 2017 - 2018 program year!
2017: |