May Meeting: Monday, May 1 Luncheon Meeting at The Dayton Woman’s Club Lunch ~ 11:30 a.m. ~ $20
Program: Elder Law and Estate Planning Speaker: Charles W. "Skip" Mahan, Esq.
What are you hearing from your friends or from the speaker at the “free” steak dinner? Is it fact or fiction? Maybe it is fact or maybe it is fiction. Maybe it is what you want or what you need or something that you have heard from your friends. The speaker will separate fact from fiction about Estate Planning, Estate Taxes, Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Nursing Homes, Med-icare and Medicaid.
Leaders: Charlie Phillips
Cookie bakers from Gourmet South: Peggy Beavin, Margie Newman, Doramae O'Kelley and Charlie Phillips
Additional CWC bakers: Jeannette Adkins, Sue Merz, and Teri Wilson
Tea Table Décor: Margie Newman
Pouring Coffee and Tea: Past Presidents: Judy Holt (2009) and Jean Short (2012)
Weather Announcement: If the Dayton City Schools are closed for inclement weather, the DWC will also be closed.
June Newsletter Deadline: May 2, 2017. Please send items for the newsletter to Teri Wilson by email or by USPS or by phone. (Teri's contact information is in the yearbook.)
Welcome! At our April luncheon we welcomed seven guests to the meeting. (Members Ethel Adams, Jean Mahan, Judy Nassmacher, and Sue White each brought a guest and Judy Mack brought three guests.) Won't YOU bring a guest next month?
MAY STUDY GROUP TOPICS: (Please refer to your yearbook for date, time and place, and additional information about each study group. If you would like to attend as a guest or join the group, please call the leader.)
Book Group Leaders: Carolyn Nikolai, Beth Taylor. Meeting on May 22 at 11:30 a.m. at Bravo in front of the Dayton Mall.
Reviewer: Each member is asked to bring one book for recommending to the others.
Arts & Crafts Group Leaders: Linda Parker , Sandy Mefford; Meeting on May 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Program: Planning for Next Year and Lunch at The Dayton Woman's Club
Interior Design Group Leader: Marsha Tolle; May 9 at 11:30 a.m.
Mausoleum Windows of Woodland
Lunch: Jimmie's Ladder 11, 936 Brown St.
Hostess: Susan Buckles
Gourmet Group North Leader: Susan Buckles; May 11 at 12.30 p.m.
Hostess: Mary McKinley; Co-hostesses: Susan Buckles, Sally Raiteri
Gourmet Group South Leader: Charlie Phillips; May 4 at 12:30 p.m.
Hostess: Helen LeMay; Co-hostesses: Margie Newman, Jane Rininger, Margie Wirth
Money Management Group Leader: Marilyn Tolnitch;
No May Meeting.
College Women’s Investment Club Leader: Peggy Beavin; May 19 at 10:00 a.m.
Dayton Metro Library, Branch at 3980 Wilmington Pike
Dayton Federation of Women’s Clubs The Dayton Federation of Women’s Clubs will meet on Saturday, May 13
11:00 a.m. - Meet and Greet; 11:30 a.m. - Luncheon ($20.00); 12:30 p.m. - Program
at Dayton Woman's Club, Ludlow St.
Julia and Thomas Bonafield will be playing the piano and the violin.
(NOTE: Julia was a scholarship winner last year! Her brother joins here for this program.)
Scholarships will be Awarded at this program
Please contact Mary Jo Sims by May 8 to make a reservation.
Questions about the website? Contact webmaster Martha N. Shields at [email protected] or call her at home. (See the directory.)
Program: Elder Law and Estate Planning Speaker: Charles W. "Skip" Mahan, Esq.
What are you hearing from your friends or from the speaker at the “free” steak dinner? Is it fact or fiction? Maybe it is fact or maybe it is fiction. Maybe it is what you want or what you need or something that you have heard from your friends. The speaker will separate fact from fiction about Estate Planning, Estate Taxes, Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Nursing Homes, Med-icare and Medicaid.
- Chairperson of the day: Jean Mahan
- Reception Table Hostesses: Malou Hurst and Pat Mendenhall Smith
- Hospitality Committee
Leaders: Charlie Phillips
Cookie bakers from Gourmet South: Peggy Beavin, Margie Newman, Doramae O'Kelley and Charlie Phillips
Additional CWC bakers: Jeannette Adkins, Sue Merz, and Teri Wilson
Tea Table Décor: Margie Newman
Pouring Coffee and Tea: Past Presidents: Judy Holt (2009) and Jean Short (2012)
Weather Announcement: If the Dayton City Schools are closed for inclement weather, the DWC will also be closed.
June Newsletter Deadline: May 2, 2017. Please send items for the newsletter to Teri Wilson by email or by USPS or by phone. (Teri's contact information is in the yearbook.)
Welcome! At our April luncheon we welcomed seven guests to the meeting. (Members Ethel Adams, Jean Mahan, Judy Nassmacher, and Sue White each brought a guest and Judy Mack brought three guests.) Won't YOU bring a guest next month?
MAY STUDY GROUP TOPICS: (Please refer to your yearbook for date, time and place, and additional information about each study group. If you would like to attend as a guest or join the group, please call the leader.)
Book Group Leaders: Carolyn Nikolai, Beth Taylor. Meeting on May 22 at 11:30 a.m. at Bravo in front of the Dayton Mall.
Reviewer: Each member is asked to bring one book for recommending to the others.
Arts & Crafts Group Leaders: Linda Parker , Sandy Mefford; Meeting on May 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Program: Planning for Next Year and Lunch at The Dayton Woman's Club
Interior Design Group Leader: Marsha Tolle; May 9 at 11:30 a.m.
Mausoleum Windows of Woodland
Lunch: Jimmie's Ladder 11, 936 Brown St.
Hostess: Susan Buckles
Gourmet Group North Leader: Susan Buckles; May 11 at 12.30 p.m.
Hostess: Mary McKinley; Co-hostesses: Susan Buckles, Sally Raiteri
Gourmet Group South Leader: Charlie Phillips; May 4 at 12:30 p.m.
Hostess: Helen LeMay; Co-hostesses: Margie Newman, Jane Rininger, Margie Wirth
Money Management Group Leader: Marilyn Tolnitch;
No May Meeting.
College Women’s Investment Club Leader: Peggy Beavin; May 19 at 10:00 a.m.
Dayton Metro Library, Branch at 3980 Wilmington Pike
Dayton Federation of Women’s Clubs The Dayton Federation of Women’s Clubs will meet on Saturday, May 13
11:00 a.m. - Meet and Greet; 11:30 a.m. - Luncheon ($20.00); 12:30 p.m. - Program
at Dayton Woman's Club, Ludlow St.
Julia and Thomas Bonafield will be playing the piano and the violin.
(NOTE: Julia was a scholarship winner last year! Her brother joins here for this program.)
Scholarships will be Awarded at this program
Please contact Mary Jo Sims by May 8 to make a reservation.
Questions about the website? Contact webmaster Martha N. Shields at [email protected] or call her at home. (See the directory.)
President’s May Message: Hooray for June, a month that gives sunshine to our souls. It gets its name from the Roman goddess, Juno and announces the beginning of summer later in the month and heralds the official start of the vacation
season. Many of us have spent preceding months developing plans for a time away from the rigors of everyday responsibilities and look upon June as the gateway for these vacations. We may envision going on an ocean voyage, or a river cruise or plan a trip to visit friends or family by land or by air. Others of us simply look upon June as a chance to bask
in the freedom of pleasant weather accompanied by fewer obligations. In other words, a time to “goof off” may be soon approaching and we hurry through meetings, dinners and luncheons so as to get to that time when we are free of such responsibilities. All of us value time off and those precious moments when we don’t have to hurry or maintain complex schedules. Psychologists report that it is important to give ourselves some “timeout periods” so as to refresh our minds and souls and avoid burnout. CWC members also need time to rest, reflect or just “play” so that we will be able to put forth our best efforts on new future pursuits.
On another note, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14th. Historically, it was on June 14, 1777 that the flag was officially adopted by resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress. Later, in 1916 the president by proclamation declared June 14th, officially be celebrated as Flag Day. Finally it was determined by an act of congress to be an official celebration of our nation’s flag, but was not declared a national holiday. Today, many of us fly flags and perhaps, pause to reflect on the many events that have occurred since this flag first came into being.
We must not forget Father’s Day which will be celebrated on June 18th. It honors all fathers and those special men who have influenced or cared for children. It was officially recognized as a holiday in 1972 by President Nixon.
June also represents the completion of my tenure in office. I look back upon this past CWC year with gratitude and wish to thank all of you for your kindness and support. I pray summer gives you opportunities to rest and play and that you return to CWC in the fall eager to take up the torch and continue to move onward.
Ann E. Wolf, CWC President (2016 - 2017)
NOTE: 2017 - 2018 Officers and Chairpersons:
President . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Shirley Stallworth
1st Vice President . . . . . . .Terrie Koss
2nd Vice President . . . . . . .Ann Wolf
Recording Secretary . . . . . .Jean Mahan
Corresponding Secretary. . . .Marge Lane
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Bell
Assistant Treasurer . . . . . . Sandy Mefford
DFWC. . . . . . . . . . . . . June Livesay & Willa Jean Smalley
Historian. . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Holt
Hospitality . . . . . . . . . . .Kathleen Turner & Donna Zobrist
Membership . . . . . . . . . . Karin Dillman
Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . Teri Wilson
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . Marianne Shoemaker
Reception . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Weglage
Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . Jean Short
Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . Teri Wilson
Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . Martha Shields
Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . June Livesay