As an independent visual artist Mike Major has taken a road less traveled. He will share a small part of the book, “Memories of An Artist” that is being completed now about his life’s work. Sculpting bronze monuments has been a primary activity for the last thirty years in addition to drawing and painting. Subjects for sculptures have included lots of people and a few animals. Images of a few of more than two hundred bronze castings including larger-than-life public sculptures and smaller limited edition works will be shared during the presentation.
His art training began when he was in the seventh grade at the Dayton Art Institute and continued through undergraduate work at Ohio University and Graduate work at Pratt Institute in New York. As Ohio’s first Artist-in-Residence for the Ohio Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts he moved back to Ohio from New York in 1974 to Urbana, Ohio with his wife, Jane, a speech pathologist whom he met at OU.
Finding and restoring an abandoned 1877 church for a home and studio, he and his wife committed to staying in Ohio after the residency. They raised four children who have now presented them with seven grandchildren. He looks forward to Meeting the CWC members and sharing a brief talk for the College Women’s Club of Dayton.
Chairperson for the Day: Judy Holt
Reception Table Hostesses: Barb Laake, Shirley Walsh