Please click HERE to see the list of programs for the 2020 - 2021 CWC year!
Luncheons are held at 11:30 a.m. at the Presidential Banquet Center / Kohler Banquet Center, 4548 Presidential Way, Kettering, Ohio for the October, November, and December meetings. The location will be announced for the 2021 meetings. The luncheons are on the first Monday of the months of October through December and February through May. The program / meeting follows at 12:30 p.m. NOTE: The Annual meeting / Luncheon is held in June. It is typically held in one of the country clubs in the Greater Dayton area or at the Engineers Club. Please check back later for the details of date, time, cost, and reservation information. |
The monthly reservation check for the general meetings MUST be received no later than the Monday of the week preceding the general meeting. Cancellations with refund must be made by the Thursday of that same week. Please mail the reservation form that is included in the newsletter along with a check for $22.00 to Sandy Mefford, 6092 Romaine Drive, Dayton, 45414. Make the check payable to The College Women's Club (CWC). To cancel your reservation, please call Sandy Mefford. No cancellations will be accepted after the Thursday of the week preceding the general meeting.
Please click on any of the red months above to go to the details for that luncheon.
Can't obtain the current newsletter to send in your luncheon reservation? Click HERE for a generic form.
Click HERE to read the letter from President Sue White regarding our status due to COVID-19 situation.
Please click on any of the red months above to go to the details for that luncheon.
Can't obtain the current newsletter to send in your luncheon reservation? Click HERE for a generic form.
Click HERE to read the letter from President Sue White regarding our status due to COVID-19 situation.